Blair Atholl Showcase

Blair Atholl Showcase
The 2011 Musicians!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Monday 20th June 2011, 8pm

The late afternoon practice session over, a hotly-contested discussion emerges from the disparate threads of drawing-room conversation: Pete, seeing Howard’s epic walking boots, proposes the seemingly innocent hypothesis that his own feet have decreased in size over the previous ten years. Emily (M.A. Maths, Cantab.), swift to the rebuttal, taking Pete alone as a sufficiently large representative sample (and dismissing Dave’s contrary experience as anomalous), declares that when one is younger, one always buys larger shoes, but, upon getting older and finding oneself ‘always falling over things’, one eventually starts buying smaller shoes.

Bex is practising Prokofiev and eating an apple. Howard attempts to sit down at Katy’s feet, resting his back on her chair, which promptly makes a bid for freedom in the direction of the bookcase. Outside, oodles of rain drench the techni-green trees and the new lambs. Half of Orkestra del Sol arrive, have tea, and drive off in the direction of Glastonbury. Jonathan and the Gildas Quartet are coming up the drive.

Dinner time.


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